Frequently Asked Questions
Besides the obvious need for better buildings, our desire to start GIGA became personal when one of the first words from our 1 year old son was “ewww.” He would point out trash on the ground every opportunity he could, which was too often. This simple lesson made us realize we all need to do more. Enter GIGA.
Do you exclusively install integrated Tesla solar roof and battery backup products?
We strive to use building materials that are the best in the industry. Right now, that’s Tesla for the solar roof shingles, batteries, and ancillary equipment. We plan to exclusively install this system on all buildings until a better product shows up, which we don’t anticipate any time soon.
Only installing solar roof products sounds risky for the growth of a construction company, right?
Society needs companies willing to sacrifice the bottom line for global progress. To us the solution is clear, and our bigger concern is scaling quickly enough to keep up with growing demand.
Isn’t solar for liberals?
This is one of my favorite questions because it can be answered in so many ways. To put it simply, solar gives users the flexibility to be off-grid, independent, and sovereign. That sounds more American than anything to me!
Starting in Houston, really?!
Houston is the Energy Capitol of the world. We can’t be more excited to start GIGA here. The opportunity is huge to keep Houston exactly that, the Energy Capitol. Along the way we also plan to win over some traditional oil and gas folks as well 😉. Houston is leveraging the diverse resources and experience of the city which is evident in initiatives like the Houston Climate Action Plan (http://greenhoustontx.gov/climateactionplan/) among others.
What can I do to accelerate the transition to sustainable energy through efficient construction?
Easy! Give us a call (281) 846-GIGA or email info@gigaconstruct.com. We look forward to working with you.